Already found your Prince Charming?
Let's take your relationship to the next level.
Already found your Prince Charming?
Let's take your relationship to the next level.
So you’ve found the man of your dreams. Amazing! But…
Tell me. Do any of these sound like you?
“I met a man and he’s everything I’m looking for. We have great chemistry, he wants to see me regularly, but he hasn’t made me his girlfriend yet! How do I get him to make this official?!”
“I’m seeing a great guy that makes me super happy. He says he cares about me, but that he’s “not ready for a relationship”. I really like this guy and don’t want to lose him, but I also want to be in a committed relationship. Help!”
“I’ve been with my boyfriend for a while now and everything is great, but he says he still isn’t ready to “take the next step”. I want to get married one day and would love for him to be 'the one', but I don’t want to waste all this time with him if he’s never going to make more of a commitment. What do I do?!”
“I love my boyfriend. We’ve been together for years. YEARS. WHY won’t he propose?!?”
““Jamie’s drive and passion to coach single women struggling in the dating world is unmatched. She is passionate to help others find their “prince charming” and genuinely wants to guide women in the right direction to experience true love like she has. Jamie is tried and true. She has mastered the coaching skills and techniques to help her clients adjust their mindset and perspective to think differently, dig deep into the core of your dating issues, and help you “think like a man!”. Without a doubt, Jamie has helped me tremendously in my life and in my relationships.””
Finally get the man of your dreams to commit to you?
Get the reassurance you need in your relationship every day?
Know without a doubt that he’s going to give you everything you want in a relationship?
Communicate effortlessly with your partner about everything (even sensitive subjects!) and always feel understood?
Feel confident, amazing, and like you’re on top of the world all the time?
FINALLY have the loving, committed relationship you’ve always dreamed of?
Take a moment, step into the shoes of some my former clients, and imagine this:
It's three months from now. It's basically still the same season. And yet, you’re blissfully happy knowing that you finally have everything you’ve ever wanted in a relationship.
You confidently introduce your boyfriend (or fiancé!) to family and friends, and have no doubt in your mind about where your relationship is headed.
The communication between you and your partner is AMAZING and you can’t believe how open, honest and understood you feel.
Friends ask what you've done differently.
You have no idea why you didn't do this sooner.
(But don't worry, everything happens for a reason. This is just the right time for you!)
That's what my coaching does.
I know the pain of feeling like you care more than he does...and how crappy it feels not to be able to do anything about it.
I get the desperation of trying to find reasons why he hasn’t committed to you…and know about that terrible pit in your stomach when you compare yourself to his ex’s (that he’s committed to! Ugh!).
I know how it feels to constant wonder, "Is something wrong with me?"
After I graduated from college, I thought I was living the dream. I had been dating my boyfriend for five years and we were finally(!) moving in to together. Our relationship had its ups and downs, but I just knew that getting our own place would solve our problems and take our relationship to the next level. I wanted to be married and have a family in the next few years, so I was obviously eager to transition out of “college-relationship” to “real life, romantic, grown-up relationship”.
I made sure he knew what a catch I was. I thought I was showing him why he should commit to me.
Needless to say, that relationship didn’t work out. Afterwards, I was devastated that I was single again. That ANOTHER guy didn’t want to commit to me. That I was once more alone.
Even though I was sad to be on my own again, I used that “single” time to do some reflection. I thought it was perplexing (and downright unfair!) that so many women yearn for a commitment from a man only to be let down.
After a few months of tears and a few cases of wine, I made a proclamation.
It took me three years, tons of research, coaching, counseling, dating (lots of dating…), and self-help books (not to mention plenty of ‘trial and error’ experiences), but I finally figured it out.
And best of all, there are actually secret ways to get men to commit to you. And now I had them.
I married my dream man on a Riviera Mayan rooftop overlooking the ocean, surrounded by 46 of my family members and closest friends. I had my dream fairytale wedding, complete with a ball gown princess dress (hell if I care that we were sweating in Mexico!), and the most amazing wedding week EVER (yes, I also made my wedding into a week-long event). Matt and I had an incredibly romantic honeymoon traveling on a luxury cruise liner throughout Europe, and ate and laughed our way through eleven different countries together.
We’ve had multiple parties thrown for us and our marriage, and couldn’t be more blessed to be surrounded by our family, friends, and love. We have a beautiful four bedroom townhome, we're both working our dream jobs (remotely!), and spend tons of time together laughing, cooking, and binge watching Netflix. The loving relationship we have is way better than anything I could've imagined, and to top it off – I absolutely LOVE my life.
That incredible happiness and deep love is what I want for you, too. And it IS possible…
How great would it be if you could stop wondering when it'll be your turn for your happily ever after, and start marveling at the amazing relationship that’s everything you’ve always dreamt about?
What if you could finally get your epic love story (you know, the one that you’re pretty sure isn’t possible)?
It’d be amazing, right?!
Just take a look at my epic love story timeline:
October 12th 2012 – We Met. (I accidentally sat in Matt’s seat at a bar.)
October 17th 2012 – The First Date.
Late October & November – Dates #2 - #8
November 30th 2012 – Matt asked me to be his girlfriend.
December 23rd 2012 – I love you’s were exchanged.
Christmas-Valentines Day – I was at his place more than mine.
April 2013 – We moved in together and had a place to call our own.
June 2013 – Matt asked if I wanted to start looking at rings. (Um, YES! Hello!!!)
What’s the point of sharing my personal story? I want you to know how fast starting a life with the man of your dreams can happen.
I believe your dream love life exists for a reason. I know mine did! Heck, my life now is actually BETTER than what I dreamt about.
That relationship you’ve been dreaming about isn't going to just magically happen one day.
It’s just like getting a college degree – you have to put in the work before you’re handed the shiny diploma that everyone wants (but not many people put in the effort to get).
“But Jamie, I’m not sure how to put in the work to get the love life I want!”
Don't fear! I've got you covered.
It all starts with you! (Not him.)
It all starts with you! (Not him.)
I’ve designed this program for you – the incredible woman who is ready to take a stand and demand the love life of her dreams once and for all. You’re ready to have the relationship you’ve been dreaming about with the man you can’t live without – and you want the mindset, tools, and knowledge to make that happen. And, you’ll be happy to know that getting him to commit is just what happens in the process.
1. You will book a free 30 minute discovery session with me.
2. We'll get clear on what you’re struggling with right now, what you want to change, and make sure we're a good fit to work together.
3. You will invest in your life-changing coaching package, I'll send a customized contract and a Welcome Pack that will go even deeper to see what's holding you back in love, and get you moving forward before we even start working together.
4. We set up a weekly coaching appointment.
5. Each week we'll breakthrough what's holding you back in your love life, explore areas of growth, and create a tailored plan so you can start getting the love life (and commitment!) you've always wanted.
Each 90-day program is personalized to fit your needs and may include the following topics:
Discovering what you actually want and need in relationships (it may not be what you think!) and how it will help you get him to commit.
How to get the relationship you truly desire.
Your (real) values and standards.
Know if it’s real! “Is he the perfect man for you?” Quiz!
How men think (you’ll be surprised).
The differences between men and women.
How to communicate with men (and what you’re saying that’s making them run for the hills).
Getting what you really want from men.
Men and their Forbidden Topics (life-changing info!).
How to love a man right.
Being independent (I swear, it’s a good thing!).
Your amazing life and the fantastic things you do (without him).
How to “do you” and have him fawn all over you.
Being bold, confident and brave.
How to STOP making yourself overly available.
Becoming the woman he could never live without.
How to get him thinking about you ALL THE TIME.
How to be so amazing, you’ll barely keep from dating yourself.
The Pursuit! Get him to start and keep pursuing you.
Being feminine, sexy and fearless.
Why “I don’t give a %*#&.” is magic to men.
Who you truly are (and why you’re amazing!).
Your personality: Enhanced.
Feeling lovable and worthy (all the time!).
Self-esteem and self-love.
How to show him the “true you” and get him to love you for it.
Breaking free of negative thoughts holding you back.
Increasing your overall happiness.
Confidence!!! (And how to get more of it.)
Having less worry, anxiety and jealously.
How to finally STOP overanalyzing.
Getting freedom from limiting beliefs.
Knowing what to do when you “go crazy”.
How to stop lying to yourself about men (trust me, you are).
Being your authentic self (and not settling in the meantime!).
Flirting the “right way”.
Discovering your true romantic value and what he’s longing to see in you.
How to stop saying “yes” when you mean “no”.
How to be authentic, and have him fawn over you in the process.
What’s holding you back from keeping Mr. Right.
Breaking bad relationship habits and patterns.
Getting out (and staying out!) of the friend zone.
Changing your limiting beliefs about men and love.
-Weekly Call with Jamie – Your Dating and Relationship Expert.
-3 months of one-on-one coaching sessions. Ten (10) 60-Minute Sessions Total.
-Unlimited access to me via email (I respond within 24 hours).
-All sessions are conveniently recorded for future listening. No need to take notes!
-Tailored resources to make huge shifts in your life (i.e., books, videos, webinars).
I have limited spots (2) available at this price until this program is sold out.
or 3 installments of $1,950
Inquire HERE for current 1:1 Coaching availability.
Wanting to take your current relationship to the next level? (But don’t know how to do it?)
Frustrated with your partner’s lack of commitment?
Torn between giving him an ultimatum and just accepting what you have?
Wishing you could communicate your true feelings better (without it leading to an argument)?
Jealous of your friends that have a committed relationship and are settling down? (WHEN will that be you?!)
Devastated at the thought of losing him, but not getting what you truly need in your relationship?
Ready to finally have the relationship you’ve been dreaming of?
““There are not enough words to describe the passion and love Jamie has in helping others truly find their fairytale. Her insight into how to cultivate and maintain an amazing and healthy relationship is beyond anything I ever thought possible. With her guidance and support, I was able to become the best version of myself, which allowed me to not just find my prince charming, but also a genuinely happy and healthy sustaining relationship. She gave me the confidence I needed to find my soul mate, but more than that, she gave me the tools and knowledge to truly understand my needs, my partner’s needs, (and just men’s needs in general!), so that my partner and I can actually build a long, healthy and happy life together.””
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